[twitter name=”name”]I love a good Morning Time resource. You too? I enjoy finding old books long forgotten that inspire and awaken wonder in my children and myself. I enjoy learning new things with them.
However, sometimes these resources can be hard to find. And, if you are like me, more than one resource bought on impulse has ended up in the Free to a Good Home pile at our co-op.
Here we have gathered 100 Morning Time resources for you. These are all tried and true by us or by others we trust. If you would like to add a subject to your Morning Time and are looking for just the right resource, start here. If you still don’t see something that will fit just right, ask in the comments. Perhaps another reader has an idea!
Religion and Virtue
- Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God – A catechism exploration book for the youngest Morning Time students. Based on the Children’s Catechism.
- Little Pilgrim’s Progress: From John Bunyan’s Classic – Very short chapters make this version of Pilgrim’s Progress perfect for Morning Time. We used it as a narration exercise as well.
- How God Used A Thunderstorm and Other Devotional Stories – Stories meant to tell a truth. Some are encouraging, others are instructive. The shortest story is a few paragraphs, the longest a couple of pages. Questions at the end of each story help to cement the main point. Or simply narrate the story together.
- The Catholic Bible for Children – A story bible for Catholic families to read and enjoy.
- The King of the Golden City by – This Catholic children’s allegory is a delightful lesson in God’s love and right action for children.
- The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos – A story bible with individual chapters short enough to enjoy together in Morning Time.
- Saints for Young Readers for Everyday – Short biographies of saints geared for upper elementary students, but work for a variety of ages.
- Stories by Marigold Hunt – Some of Sarah Mackenzie’s favorite stories for Catholic children. The Barnhills are reading St. Patrick’s Summer this year and finding it delightful.
- The Book of Virtues by William J Bennett – Readings and stories that highlight a specific virtue. The best way to learn right from wrong, good from bad, and see our own failings is through a great story.
- Printable Rosary Cards – Dianna Kennedy has made these fun cards to help little ones learn the mysteries of the Rosary.
- We Choose Virtues – This curriculum or card set teaches virtues like patience, kindness, and diligence through fun characters and short sayings. It even features a CD of songs arranged by Pam!
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism by Starr Meade – Shorter Catechism devotions for older children.
- Laying Down the Rails from Simply Charlotte Mason – Habit training for what you ought to do is an important part of a child’s education. This resource helps with this seemingly daunting task.
- The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions – Read or Memorize prayers from this little book and you and your children will never want for rich language in your prayer life. Use as models for prayer or just discuss the spiritual truths you find.
- The Family Worship Book by Terry Johnson – An all-inclusive resource to help you build a worship time into your Morning Time. Scripture memorization lists, hymns, psalms, and responsive readings help you make morning worship meaningful for your kids.
- The Boys and Girls Plutarch – A version of Plutarch edited for boys and girls. Perhaps a bit less intimidating than the original.
Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for GodLittle Pilgrim’s Progress: From John Bunyan’s ClassicHow God Used A Thunderstorm and Other Devotional Stories (Building on the Rock)The Catholic Bible for ChildrenThe King of the Golden City, an Allegory for ChildrenThe Child’s Story BibleSaints for Young Readers for Every Day, Vol. 1: January-JuneThe First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for ChildrenThe Book of VirtuesTraining Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter CatechismThe Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & DevotionsThe Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family DevotionsPlutarch’s Lives for Boys and Girls (Yesterday’s Classics)Printable Rosary CardsLaying Down the Rails
Nature Study
- Exploring Nature With Children – A fun and inclusive nature curriculum that allows you to do as much or as little as you have time for. See our post on how to use it here.
- Nature Explorers by Cindy West – A more in-depth nature study for focusing on a particular topic. Nature walks can be taken during an afternoon with additional exploration happening in Morning Time.
- Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Comstock – for when you want to know more about a subject you are studying with one of the above curricula.
- The Insect Folk by Margaret Warner Morley – Fun short stories about different insects. The narrator is a teacher talking with her students as they explore. Conversational and available on Librivox and Amazon kindle for free.
- Favorite Thornton Burgess Animal Stories Boxed Set – My children adore these fun stories. They are instructive by accessible to even the youngest children and interesting enough to keep older kids listening.
- Parables from Nature by
- The Story Book of Science by – More science nature stories told in a conversational way.
- Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book 1 by Wendy Kramer – There are five of these books in total. They are great for younger students to feature their reading ability in Morning Time as they read aloud to others.
- Sibley Backyard Birding Flashcards – We love using these in Morning Time. They are fun to look at and can be passed around the table. Choose a few that you know will be in your area and branch off from there learning a few more each month.
- Pond and Stream by
- The Burgess Bird Book for Children by Thornton Burgess – Another Simply Charlotte Mason suggested book with a guide.
- The Tarantula in My Purse: and 172 Other Wild Pets by – Just a fun and funny look at nature in the life of a favorite author.
Handbook of Nature StudyThe Insect FolkFavorite Thornton Burgess Animal Stories Boxed Set (Sets)Parables From Nature Utilizing the Charlotte Mason Homeschooling MethodThe Story Book of Science (Yesterday’s Classics)Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book 1 (Christian Liberty Nature Readers)Pond And StreamThe Pond and Stream CompanionSibley Backyard Birding Flashcards: 100 Common Birds of Eastern and Western North AmericaThe Burgess Bird Book for Children (Dover Children’s Classics)Learning About Birds with Thornton Burgess
History, Geography, and Current Events
- God’s World News For Kids – Stay up to date with news from around the world in a kid-friendly way. There are versions for preschool and early elementary, upper elementary, and teens.
- Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer – If you are looking to add a bit of history without too much fuss for younger children, Story of the World is a great way to do it. Short and conversational each section will take you less than 15 minutes.
- Our Island Story by H.E. Marshall – Short chapters with good stopping points make this a great Morning Time addition. My son loved it because there was plenty of fighting and blood.
- 50 Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin – A wide variety of short history stories that hold the attention of my first-grade boy amazingly well. He loves them! Some you will recognize, some may be new to you.
- Elementary Geography by Charlotte Mason – These are very short lessons meant for young elementary children. They are conversational and there are review questions to help with the discussion.
- Continent Geo Puzzles – Do as a separate activity when introducing countries or allow children to put them together while you read. Either way, a great addition to your Morning Time.
- Maps from Notebooking Pages – Good solid continent maps plus a whole slew of other awesome notebooking pages.
- Minn of the Mississippi by
- Draw Europe by Kristin J. Draeger – Practice map drawing with this series. The Barnhills add about 10 pages of content at a time and then draw two practice maps a week for a few weeks before adding more content. With practice this method is easy and it works! There are books for five of the seven continents at the moment.
- Famous Men of Rome by John H. Haaren – My daughter loves the stories in this book. They are not long but pack quite a punch with possible discussions on virtue, strength, honor, civic duty, and government.
- Famous Men of Greece by John H. Haaren – We haven’t used this one yet but I imagine it is just as good as the above.
The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child: Volume 1: Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor, Revised EditionOur Island Story: A History of England for Boys and GirlsFifty Famous Stories RetoldElementary GeographyContinent Puzzle Combo Pack (171 Pieces in 5 Puzzles)Notebooking PagesMinn of the MississippiDraw EuropePaddle-to-the-Sea (Sandpiper Books)Famous Men of RomeFamous Men of Greece (Greenleaf Press)
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- Hodgepodge Chalk Pastel’s Tutorial – Some of the most satisfying art experiences we have had have been with these tutorials. They are easy to teach, and fun to do.
- Picture Study Portfolios from Simply Charlotte Mason – Lovely art prints for you and your children to enjoy and talk about. Learn how to do a picture study with our podcast interview with the author Emily Kiser.
- A Year of Art Journaling – Art for older students. Experiment with texture, color and more with your older students as they discover or hone their artistic tendencies.
- Harmony Fine Arts – Plans for busy families include a four-year cycle of art and music study for three different age groups — elementary, middle, and high school.
- What Do You See – From Trivium Pursuit, this little volume is geared for your youngest students but would also be good for teaching most elementary students how to look at art.
- ICAN Index Card a Day – The Index Card a Day Challenge is a great way to stretch those creative muscles in a low-risk, small size format.
- Creativebug — This online tutorial website has affordable subscription options and video classes on drawing, painting, and any number of handicrafts.
Hodgepodge Chalk PastelsCreativebugA Year of Art JournalingPicture Study PortfoliosWhat Do You See?
- Maestro Classics CD’s – A fun and entertaining way to introduce your children to music. The stories help your children begin to identify composers and pieces in an enjoyable way. Along the same line are the Classical Kids story CD’s.
- Hooked on Classics – Lively and upbeat. The perfect songs to use as your “Call to Morning Time.”
- Listen While We Sing – A resource for singing hymns in your morning time. Accompaniment CDs are referenced to the Trinity Hymnal and other popular Hymnals.
- Simply Charlotte Mason Singing the Great Hymns – For those who want a hymn study all laid out with a CD accompaniment.
- Simply Charlotte Mason Music Study with the Masters – A lovely introduction to classical composers. Choose one or two for the year and really delve into their work.
- Wee Sing America – Just for fun. Patriotic songs like Yankee Doodle, and Your a Grand Old Flag, are sure to get your Morning Time hopping. Check out the other volumes. This series is very well done and my kids love it, even the 10-year-old.
- Opal Wheeler books on composers – My children enjoy learning about the composers almost as much as they enjoy listening to their music.
- Classics for Kids Podcast – When you want a break from reading in your Morning Time these are the perfect interlude. Quick 5-10 minute podcasts give you a break but keep your Morning Time flowing well.
Hooked On ClassicsWee Sing AmericaSebastian Bach, The Boy from Thuringia
- Bedtime Math – Quick and fun puzzles to help children use math. The Barnhill kids love the quirky stories that accompany the math problems and the fun surprise animations in the free app.
- Math Dice – Quick and fun to play. Sneaking in a little math in Morning Time is always a good thing!
- Addition Facts That Stick by Kate Snow – This little volume has games for memorizing math facts that can be done in 15-20 min. Perfect for those who need just a little extra math help. Pairing younger children with older children make this a perfect Morning Time activity. It is a good review for older kids as well.
- Inchimals – Learn measurement with fun animal measuring sticks. Each animal represents a certain number of inches from 1-12. Great for adding, subtracting, and comparing.
- The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat by Theoni Pappas – Charming stories about a cat who learns mathematical concepts such as number systems and infinity.
- The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure by
- Mathematicians Are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians by Reimer – Biographies of famous mathematicians that engage those who may be hostile to the subject.
- Stuart Murphy Math Picture Books – Wildly colorful and just plain fun, add one of these as a way to reinforce and enjoy math together.
- Life of Fred – Join the adventures of the famous five-year-old college professor and his doll Kingie. Not to be missed!
Bedtime Math: A Fun Excuse to Stay Up Late (Bedtime Math Series)ThinkFun Math Dice Jr.Addition Facts that StickFat Brain Toy Co InchimalsThe Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical CatThe Number Devil: A Mathematical AdventureMathematicians Are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great MathematiciansCoyotes All Around (MathStart 2)Life of Fred–Apples
- The Random House Book of Poetry for Children – This book of poetry has never disappointed us. We love the mix of classic and new poems, the seasonal poems, and those just for everyday.
- Favorite Poems Old and New by Helen Ferris – Another great anthology of poems with works by Shakespeare and Tolkien.
- Poetry for Young People Series – This series allows you to choose a poet, learn a little bit about them and experience several pieces of their work. These books are good for a wide range of children.
- The Roar on the Other Side: A Guide for Student Poets by Suzanne Underwood Rhodes – A resource to explore poetry with older students.
- A Widening Light: Poems of the Incarnation by Lucy Shaw – Recommended by Nicholas Ireland in YMB episode #8. A good resource for older students.
- Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization – Andrew Pudewa of Institute for Excellence in Writing makes poetry memorization easy. The audio CD’s are delightful. My children love to listen to them in the car.
The Random House Book of Poetry for ChildrenFavorite Poems Old and New: Selected for Boys and GirlsPoetry for Young People: Robert FrostThe Roar on the Other Side: A Guide for Student PoetsA Widening Light: Poems of the IncarnationLinguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
Foreign Language
- 52 Weeks of Family French – We enjoy learning French as a family. It is fun to use short small phrases together. Even my four-year-old enjoys asking to be excused from the table in a foreign language. Be sure to check out the other languages.
- Song School Latin – Latin for the youngest students with fun songs and chants. The workbook can be used as a guide for review.
- Learn French with Stories for Beginners – A book with an audio CD make for an awesome Morning Time resource. There is also a Spanish version.
- Getting Started with Latin: Beginning Latin for Homeschoolers and Self-Taught Students of Any Age by William E. Linney – PAM
- I Speak Latin, Living Latin for Young Learners – A conversational Latin course that connects Latin words directly with the things, actions, or ideas they represent without using the native language.
Getting Started with LatinSong School Latin52 Weeks of Family French52 Weeks of Family Spanish52 Weeks of Family German52 Weeks of Family ItalianLearn French with Stories for BeginnersLearn Spanish with Stories for Beginners
Logic, Grammar, and Literature
- The Fallacy Detective – This is a fun logic resource to use with middle grade to high school kids. It is best enjoyed as a family.
- How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare by Ken Ludwig – Taking the fear out of Shakespeare, this volume will help you introduce your kids to Shakespeare without intimidating you are them.
- The Tempest – Fully dramatized play on CD. Listen and follow along a bit every day. Arkangle Shakespeare has one for every play.
- Mad Libs – Sometimes you just need a break. Mad Libs are a quick way to break up the subjects and practice grammar at the same time.
- First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 1 by Susan Wise Bauer – Sort lessons on parts of speech, poetry, grammar, picture study, and more help the youngest students begin the study of the English language. Multiple levels available.
- Teaching the Classics – Learn how to teach the elements of a story. In Morning Time, use picture books. Have fun with it!
- D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths – Wonderfully illustrated and expertly told, there is a reason these authors are famous in homeschooling circles.
- Grim’s Fairy Tales – We have an old copy of Grim’s Fairy Tales and have begun reading them this year. Some are good, some are weird, and some are very anti-climatic, but we have enjoyed them all.
- Grammar-Land by E. Nesbit – Parts of speech with stories? Yes, please.
- English Grammar Recitation – Learn the rules of grammar in order to be successful at a more advanced level of diagramming and constructing sentences.
The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad ReasoningHow to Teach Your Children ShakespeareThe Complete Arkangel Shakespeare: 38 Fully-Dramatized PlaysBest of Mad LibsFirst Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 1 (Second Edition) (First Language Lessons)Teaching the Classics DVD Seminar and WorkbookD’Aulaires’ Book of Greek MythsGrimm’s Complete Fairy TalesGrammar-Land: Grammar in Fun for the Children of Schoolroom-ShireEnglish Grammar Recitation
No Fail Read Alouds
- Little Britches by – Highly recommended for those who have finished Little House on the Prairie. Just a good solid life story told well.
- 100 Cupboards by N.D. Wilson – Probably one of my favorite series ever. This read aloud has captured the attention of all of my children, boys and girls, ages four to ten. Don’t let the cover scare you, so far no nightmares.
- My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett – Along with the sequels, this book will be loved by your children for years to come. Good to read for all ages. The humor and charm never get old.
- The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh by A.A. Milne – Best read starting around 8, the humor of Pooh is also good for many ages. It is especially good for keeping teenagers young.
- On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson – Loved by many many families this series is likened to Narnia. I think it has a bit more humor to it; also a bit sadder in some places.
- The Prairie Thief by Melissa Wiley – Girls and boys will enjoy this good old fashioned prairie story with a magical twist.
Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers100 Cupboards (100 Cupboards, Bk 1)My Father’s DragonThe Complete Tales of Winnie-The-PoohOn the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness (The Wingfeather Saga)The Prairie Thief
Games and Ways to Keep the Fingers Busy
- Mind Trap Brain Teaser Board Game – A classic set of brain teasers. Don’t play the game in Morning Time, just read a puzzle or two to change things up a bit. Everyone can guess and work together to find the answer.
- Rubix Cube – For those who love a good puzzle and need something to keep their hands busy while listening to Morning Time readings.
- Castle Logix – My son will sit with this do it yourself game for an hour or more. He loves to figure out the puzzle and then check his answer in the book.
- Melissa and Doug Floor Puzzles – With so many subjects to choose from and several different piece counts there is a puzzle for your Morning Time. Preschoolers especially do well with these large pieces.
- Dover Coloring Books – There is quite possibly one of these in every subject. I like to get one or two per kid each year. I usually choose something that relates to what we might cover in Morning Time. Colored pencils or thin markers are a must for these books.
- Melissa & Doug Pattern Blocks and Boards – Keeps fingers busy, but ears ready to listen.
- Handicrafts Made Simple from Simply Charlotte Mason – If you are wondering about handicrafts, this is your resource.
- Rainbow Loom – Friendship bracelets for the 21st century. Helps with fine motor control to boot!
Mind Trap Brain Teaser Board Game – MindTrap 20th Anniversary Edition: The Game That Challenges the Way You Think (Over 3 Million Copies Sold)Rubik’s Cube GameCastle LogixMelissa & Doug Solar System Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2 x 3 feet)Dover Publications-Wonderful World Of Horses Coloring Book (Dover Nature Coloring Book)Melissa & Doug Pattern Blocks and Boards – Classic Toy With 120 Solid Wood Shapes and 5 Double-Sided PanelsHandicrafts Made SimpleRainbow Loom Bands with Metal Hook
For more 100 Things posts for your homeschool, check out the 100 Things Collection at iHomeschool Network. The collection of posts from homeschooling moms should spark a number of helpful ideas to revitalize your home and homeschool this winter.
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