We have been learning about lighting in our photography class (Art that Happens to be your Life) this week. There was a wealth of fantastic information in the handouts and the presentation. Many things I had heard before, but some good examples of how to modify light and use things like soft boxes, diffusers, reflectors and such. Then our assignment this week was to find a place that had good light and take two photos there – one with the flash and one without.

I was really kind of scratching my head at this assignment. I felt like half of it (the half where I take a photo with flash) was totally not worth my time. We had completed a pre-class survey, after all, that indicated our readiness for the class. If you could do the things the survey was asking, you should surely know better than to use your on-camera flash to take a photo. But like a good little lemming, here is what I posted.


I should have entitled this post “Auto mode is evil”. Can you tell I made great effort on the flash photo? *snicker* I just set it to auto and let it fly – little guy smack dab and oh-so-boringly in the middle of the frame and all. See the nasty closed down aperture the camera chose? All of that loud high chair is in detailed focus. Notice the pinpoints of light in my baby’s eyes. All together now, “YUCK!”

This location is not necessarily the best light in my house, but it is “Light that Happens to be my Life”. This is in our eat-in kitchen. Both kids sit in front of a huge window and the morning light comes in behind them. The nice thing is it bounces right off the high chair tray or table and back into their eyes. I get some nice shots here – once I learned how to meter correctly. I have to totally blow out the light coming in behind them to get the faces right. Took me a while to figure that out. At any rate, we do so much here and I have to learn to take great photos here.

Love that little guy. I think he thought I was after his “Ba”. See his death grip on it?