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“How do I homeschool with all these kids around?”

This question, or some variation of it, is the question I get more than any other in my email inbox and at conferences. Moms wonder how they are supposed to get school done with a ton of little kids under their feet, what happens when new new baby comes (or worse when baby gets mobile!), or how can they teach three levels of anything at one time.

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Fortunately, we are here to help.

Introducing The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling with Babies, Toddlers, and Multiple Ages. This multi-part series begins next week and will continue through the month of August with a post each week about the biggest challenges moms face in their homeschools.

What’s in the homeschooling multiple kids series

Our team of mom mentors has 39 kids between us and years and years of experience in the trenches of homeschooling. Let’s take a peek at some of what we will be seeing over the next few weeks:

The answer to this question of babies, toddlers, and multiples has to begin with an adjustment of attitudes — ours as a mom. So Mystie Winckler, mom of five and second-generation homeschooler, will be here to talk about reasonable expectations as a mom homeschooling many. Check out more about homeschooling and homemaking from Mystie at Simply Convivial.

It’s all fun until someone gets to high school and we have to get serious, right? Ann Karako, mom of three homeschool graduates and one still at home, addresses your high school fears and talks about the nuances of adding a high school student while you are still homeschooling younger kids. Read more about homeschooling high school from Ann at Annie and Everything.

Next we get practical with the youngest set as Genie Shaw from Barefoot Abbey joins us to chat about six ways to baby-proof your homeschool. With six kids ages eight and under, Genie is field testing solutions every day and will be sharing the best ones she has found with us.

Our own Dawn Garrett, long-time blogger at Ladydusk and community manager here, digs deep to the heart of the issue as she talks about not looking at babies and toddlers as a problem to solve but instead people to love.

Then Lynna Sutherland, mom of eight, reveals what our kids are learning because they have younger siblings — these are some important lessons. You can read more from Lynna about siblings and homeschooling multiple ages at Homeschooling Without Training Wheels.

Heather Tully, mom of ten, adds her wisdom to the mix as she discusses how to train the littles while remembering to love your big kids. You can see a peek into Heather’s homeschool with her beautiful photography at Heather Tully Photography.

Finally I will be back to talk about the practical aspects of juggling multiple ages in your homeschool plans and strategies for making that happen.

And who knows, we might throw in another surprise or two along the way.

I am so excited to finally have a wonderful resource for all your baby, toddler, and multiple ages questions.

The party starts here next week and you won’t want to miss it.

Also, multi-age homeschool has to start with a good plan. Be sure to grab our free planning pages below for more help on how to get that done.

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