Friday, November 22 is coming up soon! That is the day that we will all be coming back together here to talk about this things we have put on our Living Liturgy Area of Focus Planner and posting our Advent plans. Have you been thinking about it? How is it going?

I have a confession to make. Remember that post where I shared all the plans I had to live the liturgical year in November? Well guess what? We have not done a single thing on my list! Despite writing everything out and making sure I had all I needed to do the activities, I still did not get a thing done.

So I have been lamenting (whining) and moaning and worrying and fretting and just wondering in general what in the world is wrong with me. And the best I have been able to come up with is that I am just trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Even prettying it all up with planning sheets and shopping lists won’t change the heart of who I am — a woman who struggles with these kinds of planned activities.

I will say, that in the past Advent has been pretty easy for us, but then Advent is kind of a time out of time anyway, wouldn’t you think? I am always willing to let things slide during Advent to make time for all of the extras. For some reason, my personality finds it difficult to do that on a more regular basis (like November apparently).

Fortunately for me in the past few days (cue heavenly music) some of my favorite bloggers have had something to say on the subject of the liturgical year.

At Living Without School, Leonie talks about the beauty of the church year and then in response to my comment had something absolutely profound to say about living the year versus doing the year. Be sure to not miss her comment.

Elizabeth Foss had a piece in her daybook this week where she talks about traditions and making them real. (Scroll down to Living the Liturgy for the most relevant part, but you know all of it is good.)

And finally Kortney had some wise words about how to Keep Advent from a State of Rest. Apparently, I need to apply that to the entire year.

Yeah, I really think Someone is trying to send me a message here.

So am I giving up on my planning sheet? Nope, not at all. But I am taking a hard, hard look at what an Ordinary Time month might look like for us around here. What should we focus on in our liturgy of life and how. I am praying and asking for guidance. And I am trying to learn how to live the year instead of do the year. And if you have any bits of wisdom, I would love to hear them.

See you Friday.