It’s Making it Count Tuesday! Every week, Sarah and I are co-hosting the Making it Count Tuesday link-up. Start with any one of those fabulous ideas you have found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us. Sarah is hosting this week, so head on over to link-up.  Make your time online count. 


Sometimes you just have to have a bit of comfort food. For me that means mashed potatoes, gravy, and bread. I am not too picky about the kind of bread; most any kind will do — cornbread (baked or fried), a piping hot loaf, biscuits, mmmm…. A particular favorite is yeast rolls, but who has time to make yeast rolls? Then I found these. Yeast rolls in 30 minutes. Was it too good to be true?

The verdict: they are pretty yummy. Not yeast roll perfection or anything, but for what they are, really not to bad.  As for the 30 minutes? Maybe. Maybe if you don’t have multiple children needing your attention. Maybe if it is not the witching hour. Maybe if the teen is not here mowing your lawn for the first time and needing some questions answered. Maybe if you aren’t cooking the rest of dinner at the same time. To be on the safe side, though, I would give them closer to 45 or 50 minutes.

Yep. I’d make them again. I’d just give it more than thirty to get it done.

Go to Sarah’s and see how everyone else is Making It Count in their homes.