If you are an especially astute blog reader you might have noticed the new blog button that seemed to magically appear in the sidebar yesterday. That’s my new project, and I am really excited to tell you about it.

First, click over and check it out. I’ll wait.

I so hope you like it! I remember a couple of months ago I was searching for blog posts about a specific topic and couldn’t find what I was after anywhere. My searches were only turning up one or two good results (and my friends can tell you I am normally good at searching).

I love ideas on Pinterest, but the search function there is pretty bad. A search engine is fine, if you don’t mind wading through those sneaky ads and don’t care that you are getting content tailored by your reading habits and not really the entire Internet. Sometimes I am just looking for blog posts, though, and it is difficult to get search engines to narrow the focus even if you do put the word “blog” in the search.

So out of my frustration came inspiration. I know bloggers like to link up their articles. I know blog readers like to easily find things to read by specific topic. It seemed like a match made in heaven, right? I certainly hope so.

Now I am asking for your help. If you are a blogger, please link up your content — the site is dead without it. And if you are interested in a little cross-promotional love, then let me know by shooting me an email at pam (at) realmomresources (dot) com. I have a Featured Blogger plan that you might be really interested in, and it is easy to do. I will email you the details.

And if everyone would subscribe, read, comment on the original blog posts thanking the writers, and share this with friends — online and in life, then I would really appreciate. My goal is a rich site full of goodness that a mom can really use. With your help, I think we can get there!