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Project Snapshot April

Welcome to Project Snapshot

In this space we endeavor to capture a memory with camera, just words, or both. Share a memory from your week that you do not wish to forget — a laugh with a child, a moment with a spouse, a memory gathered while alone. In time we will have a collection of memories to treasure.

My Snapshot

I hope you had a blessed Easter! We surely did. It was truly an event this year. For the first time in a few years I got to attend The Mass of the Lord’s Supper AND Good Friday service.

Then on Saturday we met up with my family for our annual dinner and festivities, and finally Sunday morning we celebrated the resurrection in our beautiful parish church at the 7:00 AM Mass. Then I promptly came home and took a nap!

There were egg hunts — at GG’s and then our Knights of Columbus put on a super one for the kids, wonderful food for the feast (prime rib anyone?) and even a family baseball game, along with the annual raw egg toss. Those were two separate events.

Someone hit a homerun at the game (yes, the outfielders were five, but it STILL counts!) and then was sore today to pay for it. Ouch! I haven’t moved that fast in too long a time.

Project Snapshot April

Egg toss fun! Somehow the adults are never this enthusiastic when it is our turn to play.

Project Snapshot April

The younger grandkids (there are two teens as well) ranging in age from four (Thomas) to eight (Olivia).

Project Snapshot April

Project Snapshot April

Project Snapshot April

Project Snapshot April

Upset his egg got cracked in his hair.

Project Snapshot: Your Turn

Now it’s your turn. If you do not blog, feel free to share your memory below or use the hash tag #projectsnapshot on your favorite social media outlet so we can find you there.