Outside my Window

Rain and dark skies again. It just won’t stop raining. On the bright side the temperatures are still running about ten degrees behind normal. I am praying for an early, crisp and cool autumn.

I am Thankful For

Healthy, sweet children who are funny and kind and loving. I am blessed.

I am Thinking About

Planning next year’s co-op. And by next year I mean 2014-2015. I know it seems crazy, but it takes so much planning to get this ready. Stretching it out over the year is far better than cramming it all in the end. We start working on next year this week!

From the Schoolroom

Olivia’s favorite subject is Latin, and she has fallen in love with Shakespeare. My work here is done. 

From the Kitchen

While I am enjoying cooking from my pantry, I am considering one of those freezer meal/crockpot plans floating around Pinterest. That would really be my style. Except there are always two or three (or five) meals on the plans we would never eat. So now I am contemplating devising my own plan. This is more work, but I think it will result in more eaten meals around here. 

I am Creating

I have picked up the crochet hook recently. I have been messing with a few different projects and even made John a little drawstring pouch he requested.

I am Reading

Outlander. Other than that I am between selections.

I am Praying

For sick friends. For those grieving for the loss of a child. 

I am Listening To

Team Umizoomi. Thomas is watching, and Olivia and John are up to something creative in the back. Tuesday afternoons post co-op mama has to have some down time to recover from the noise and people.

Clicking Around

What is Classical Catholic Education? 
Remembering my Priority (there’s only one)
Freezer Crock Pot Cooking Day

Around the House

My part of the master closet is done, done, done! And I am over halfway through with the paperwork. This past weekend I cleaned and then I updated all of my Reminders on my Mac with chores to do each day. The plan is to stay on top of things.

One of My Favorite Things

My new kitchen set-up. I am asking myself why I didn’t make some of these changes ages ago. I knocked the center shelf out of a skinny cabinet and bought a pot lid rack for the bottom. I turned it sideways and now I have a place for all of my long pans to stand upright. I can’t tell you what wonders this has wrought for my pots and pans storage, which I am now able to keep straight! I also got a spice rack and a wrap rack and mounted them inside some cabinet doors for instant extra space. It’s the little things that make me happy.

Plans for the Week

This week is so calm compared to the past few. I like calm. Karate is the only thing left on our schedule this week.

A Picture

Someone was all about getting his gi. First week of karate he did fine, but when we went back the second week he wasn’t sure he wanted to fully participate (no pushing here as he is only three). That is until the big kids got their gi at the end of class. Then he was all about the clothes. But I told him I would not buy him one unless he did the class all the way through. Last week he did the class from start to finish wonderfully and earned his gi. This is all the more amazing, because he also did a wonderful job and finally made it all the way through Mass that morning as well for the feast day. Now to see what this week brings.