Where did this month go? Did it seem to fly by for anyone else? I did great with some goals and not so much for others. In fact, I did much better the first of the month and slowed my pace considerably in the end. Let’s see how I did.

August goals:

  • Finish own version of mother’s rule and put into practice. – I am calling this done. I am not going to write out a hard and fast every fifteen minute schedule, but I do have notes for each of her Five Ps of things to implement and am working on these.
  • Finish student folders for past two years. – Still not done.
  • Purge and re-organize kitchen.
  • Purge and re-organize master bedroom closet.  (My portion anyway.)
  • Purge and re-organize master bath.
  • Purge and re-organize paperwork. – Almost!
  • Limit Diet Coke consumption to one-a-day. – I have not done as well on this the second half of the month as the first. Some days I sneak an extra one in. I am going to continue to work on this. Considering my consumption before, this is still a great improvement.
  • Implement new chore charts with kids.
  • Blog three times a week. – Some weeks yes, some weeks no. I think two is a more doable goal.
So for September I am going to put in more behavioral things and fewer big projects. I need to make some progress towards making some lifestyle changes.

September goals:

  • Finish student folders.
  • Finish paperwork purge and organization.
  • Continue to limit Diet Coke consumption to one a day.
  • Blog at least two times a week.
  • Spend an average of fifteen minutes exercising for each day of the month (try to do this daily).
  • No eating after dinner.
  • Limit sweet treats to no more than one a week (slice of cake, milkshake, etc.).
  • Answer the prayer bells – I have prayer bells set up on my phone and tend to turn them off because I am “busy” and forget about them. I need to drop what I am doing and answer the bells. 
  • Complete two chapters in Wheelock’s Latin.
I am going to make more eating and exercise related goals later, but I am starting small. I need to do things that are sustainable for the long haul. I am not bad at losing weight over the short term, but it always comes back. I’m going to try a different approach. I am hoping the changes above will result in a two pound loss by the end of the month. It’s small, but that’s OK. If I can lose two pounds for the next five months and actually keep it off then I will be doing much better than I have any time in the past year.

What are you trying to accomplish this month?