So when I first envisioned the Homeschool Mom’s Boot Camp, the idea was to spend time blogging about how I was getting things done — the ups and downs, the ways I was motivating myself. Over the course of the first nine days I have come to three somewhat startling conclusions:

  1. When something makes such a huge difference in your life it doesn’t take much external motivation.
  2. It’s not nearly as complicated as I made it out to be (somehow things never are).
  3. It is hard to blog when you are not getting on the computer.

Genius material there I tell ya.

I had this whole system planned out where I was going to give myself colored stones in a pretty jar for meeting my goals. One color for getting to bed on time. Another color for starting school on time. A third for leaving the computer off. I found the idea somewhere online (sorry, can’t remember where), gathered the stuff from around the house, and even took a photo for the blog post. Then I realized, I didn’t need that external motivation. It feels great to get started every morning. So far the success I feel from not wasting time and being completely done with our day early is all the motivation I need to get us going on time. This change brings immediate results. It’s my favorite kind of change!!

Which brings me back to my list of items I had to do in order to be successful. I have found over the past nine days that if I do just two of those — going to bed by 11:00 and leaving the computer off in the morning, then all of the rest of them fall into place. I do not need to lay out clothes or worry so much about tidying up. There is plenty of time to do those things, because I am up and not distracted. I did spend some time making and freezing breakfast food like waffles and pancakes so we are not eating cold cereal every morning. That allows us some variety (and frugality) without me having to mess up the kitchen before school, but mostly I just have to focus on the two biggies and keep it simple.

I do miss my morning time, especially the time I used to spend blogging. I find that our afternoons are busy (too busy I am thinking), and by the post-bedtime lull I am often just too dead tired to form a coherent thought. So unfortunately I am not getting much blogging done about this (or any) topic, but some times every time living life is much more important than blogging about it.

I intend to finish out my boot camp strong and then start focusing on more areas where small changes can make a big difference in our lives. How is your boot camp coming?

Be sure to stop by to visit other moms who are participating in The Homeschool Mom’s Boot Camp. 

The Planted Trees  
Teaching Stars 
The Crimson Covered Farm Life
Learning How Much I Don’t Know
Wild Roots
Plant, Plant, Electro…What?
Explorations in Learning

Do you have something you would like to change in your home or homeschool? Join us for the challenge. Be sure to leave a link to your blog in the comments, and we will add you to our participant list.