Warning: shameless proud mommy moment follows. That is all.

I have been trying this week to offer and inspire more and require less with our learning. Some moments I have done a poor job at this (Ahem. Copywork time), while other moments I have been a star. And when I look back on our week, the moments where I’ve done well there has been much quality learning and creating taking place — food for thought.

There was such a moment yesterday as Olivia and I finished reading the last chapter of Frog and Toad Are Friends together. This was our second time through buddy-reading the book, and we both commented on how much we liked the stories.

In a moment of inspiration I suggested, “Would you like to write a story? You could call it Olivia and Arabelle are Friends.” She bit and quickly the plans for a story became plans for a book complete with multiple illustrations.

She dictated, and I typed. I tried not to comment too much, but did sometimes retell what she had said for her approval, removing some of the surperflous “and then’s.” I also suggested a couple of times that the tale might be rambling, and the part about church was totally my doing. “What do we do on Easter besides get Easter baskets? Why do we go to church? What is something you see at church on Easter?”

She was really into working on this project. She began it yesterday, and she was able to finish about half. Then this morning she asked about it first thing. I had to drag her away from the final picture to make our park play date. This afternoon she completed the cover, and miracle of miracles, wrote the title and byline without complaint. This is the girl who melted over being asked to write four words on Wednesday.

I didn’t nitpick, but noticed that she was forming many of the letters correctly and it is certainly legible. I think I’m going to stop stressing about the handwriting a bit, back off, and give her some space.

So without further ado, I present to you Olivia and Arabelle are Friends. Please excuse the streaks from my scanner and any typos the low-rent typesetter/copy-editor missed — there are a few. I am sure she would love your comments.