Welcome to the Eight For Each State US Geography tour. I am so glad you are joining us.
Maine is the last state we are traveling through this school year. Our US Geography tour will pick up again next fall. Have no fear, we plan to keep going. It has been the perfect addition to our homeschool this year.
Because I chose to have us study the states in chronological order, we delve into a good deal of the early modern history included in our history memory work. Colonial times, The War of 1812, several presidents, important explorers, and Native Americans are just a few of the topics we covered.
Maine was a good deal of fun. We enjoyed a slower pace, taking two weeks to complete our study. Belowyou will find a perfect Mother’s Day present to send to Grandma, or keep for yourself, Blueberry slump, and a mountain of Maine books and resources. Enjoy!
1. Maine Books
We have so many Maine books to share with you. We love ABC books and for Maine we have two! There are so many great series of state geography books with a living book feel. We have used many text book style, informative state books, but these are more to our liking.
- L is for Lobster and Fishing for Numbers by Cynthia Furlong Reynolds – Weather you go with the counting book or the ABC version or both, you will find fun rhyming text and beautiful pictures. We enjoy the ABC books, but like to change it up every few states with the number books.
- Journey Around Maine from A to Z by Martha Day Zschock – I decided to try out a different ABC book for Maine and was so glad I did! The illustrations in this book are gorgeous! It was a good change from our normal ABC books.
- Little Maine by Jeannie Brett – If you have a toddler or young elementary child joining you on your US Geography tour these are perfect. They are short and the riddles are fun for everyone.
2. Main Introductory Videos
My girls always love to start with a video or two about the state we are learning about.
A new set of videos I found chronicles one family as they travel cheap.
3. Notebooking Pages
As we close out our school year, I have been reflecting on our notebooking pages. We have been using A Quick Look at These United States for Ruth. These continue to help her pick out important information. They have spaces for history, famous people, mapping as well as the usual capital, motto, and state bird.
Sarah Joan has been using US State Study of the Week from Enchanted Homeschool Mom. We have loved these pages. They are perfect for a first grader or any young elementary student who is ready to come along on your US Geography tour, but is not ready for quite so much writing.
As Sarah Joan enters second grade, I will move her to another set of notebooking pages. I think she is ready for more. How exciting!
4. Blueberry Slump
At first I thought that Blueberry Slump was a bit like a cobbler. Well, it is, and it isn’t. It is a blueberry sauce topped with dumplings, but instead of baking like a cobbler, you make it on the stove like dumplings.
We found our recipe in Maine: The Pine Tree State by Patrick Perish. Here is a recipe in kind. I served ours with ice cream.
Ruth declared this recipe “different.” Sarah Joan said she liked biscuits better. Benaiah said what we were all thinking. Anna was suddenly full.
I do encourage you to try it, though! The dumplings were springy and didn’t have much flavor. But, the blueberries gave them flavor. As long as you ate it all together it was pretty good.
5. Moose Paintings
Maine has many moose. That is excuse enough for me to have my girls whip out these incredibly cute moose canvases. Our inspiration. I decided to have them add pine trees because Maine is the Pine Tree State.
- 12 x 12 canvas
- Folk Art Acrylic Paint in burnt umber, real brown, country twill, black, white, and thicket
- Paint brushes – Especially look for one with thin flat hairs for painting the pine needles.
- Paint the trees. I think two trees ended up looking better than one. Use thicket for the needles and real brown for the trunk.
- After the trees dry, pain one foot with burnt umber and place toes pointing up in lower center.
- Paint one hand at a time with country twill and place each on one side of the foot.
- Let everything dry and then finish the eyes and nose yourself with the black and white if you plan to give as a gift. If it is just for fun, let your kids finish up. I find it helpful to have the picture handy for them to look at.
6. Living Books for Maine
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey – A classic picture book for so many reasons. Everyone curled up on the couch to hear the humorous story of Sal, a bear cub, and their mix up. Homeschool Share has a mini unit with some great ideas to go with the book.
- One Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey – This story is so good for a Maine state study. Native animals, digging for clams, living on an island, and making clam chowder are all a part of this charming classic story.
- Calico Bush by Rachel Field – A good book to hand to the older student on your US Geography tour. A Newbery Honor book set in Maine before the Revolutionary War.
7. Acadia National Park
Just from looking at the pictures, Acadia National Park made our list of places to visit. Spend some time exploring the beauty of this amazing piece of creation.
- Acadia National Park, a True Book by Wende Fazio – Just a little something to get you started.
- Acadia National Park Website
- Acadia National Park Video
There now, don’t you want to go there too?
8. Lobsters
I bet you thought I forgot about them didn’t you? What would a Maine state study be without lobsters? Enjoy these resources for the tastiest of crustaceans.
Lobsterman by Dahlov Ipcar – I love this story about lobsters, boats, traps, and a boy who knows for sure what he wants to be when he grows up.
- Make lobster traps – Use the picture, a few craft sticks and your imagination to build your very own lobster trap!
- Lobster Painting – Just in case you prefer lobsters over moose. Or, if you have two or more students on your US Geography tour, do one of each!
L Is for Lobster: A Maine Alphabet (Discover America State by State)Fishing for Numbers: A Maine Number Book (America by the Numbers)
Journey Around Maine from A to Z
Little Maine (Little State)
Maine: The Pine Tree State (Exploring the States)
Blueberries for Sal
One Morning in Maine (Picture Puffins)
Calico Bush
Acadia National Park (True Books: National Parks)
Lobsterman (Down East Quality Reprint)
What state did you enjoy most this year? If you had to pick? Share a favorite memory from your year of US Geography. We would love to hear it!
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