

Morning time has been an anchor in our day since we started homeschooling 11 years ago. It was a carryover from a simple circle time I used to do in my classroom teacher days. While the form continues to ebb and flow with life, the function always remains the same: to come TOGETHER and do WHAT MATTERS MOST.

With a wide-range of learners from kindergarten to high school, it can sometimes be challenging to create family-style learning. By keeping this time simple and only focusing on the two subjects I value most, Bible and pleasure reading, I can create a Morning Time that helps to grow both the ideology and the imaginations of each of my kids. We spend the first 15-20 minutes learning hymns, memorizing Scripture, and reading from a Bible resource or missionary story. Then, we all spread out around the living room with books in hand, to enjoy 15 minutes of individual silent reading, including my husband and me. In this way, he and I can model a love for the Bible and for good books and help our kids develop a habit of spending time on both.

Even if the rest of the day gets derailed, I can still mark the day as a success knowing that we’ve done what matters most during Morning Time.

Jamie Erickson