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My family began homeschooling when my children were in preschool. A decade later, I can honestly say it’s been the very best educational decision for my kids. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has made all the difference.

Over the years, I have learned what works best in creatively and lovingly teaching preschoolers at home. Perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned that you don’t have to do it alone!

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Getting Started With Homeschooling Preschool

Your family has been asking questions about when your child is starting school. Everyone around you has been talking about their preschool choices for the year. You want to keep your little ones home with you, but you worry about getting it “right.”

Sound familiar?

Making the decision to homeschool preschool can bring a ton of pressure. You are going against the norm and, although you sense that it’s the right decision, you’re worried it may not work out.

You are not alone in feeling this way. In fact, I think that most of us began homeschooling in exactly the same place.

A Homeschool Preschool Program To Build Confident Learners (And Parents!)

Our Little Explorers program is designed to support and mentor you every step of the way, while providing language-rich, play-based activities to help your child engage and enjoy preschool.

Little Explorers is perfect for children ages 3-6. It allows for combined learning with multiple kids for a whole-family learning experience.  It includes access through our mobile app, and even offers optional daily text messages to help you build good homeschooling habits from the very beginning.

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Little Explorers Early Education Program

Every month, our curriculum offers everything you need for a whole child approach to preschool learning in your home.

This includes:

Book Lists

Books list ideas along with our FAVORITE PICKS of the ones worth adding to your home library are included in each month’s curriculum plan.

Busy Boxes

Busy box activities are provided to expand the learning fun, create multisensory learning, and help keep them busy while you are!

Do It Activities

Do it activities allow for learning and exploration. These simple lesson plans help you explore the chosen theme each month.

Life Skills and Character Focus

A life skills and character focus is included each month with activities to make learning these valuable skills engaging for your child.

Memory Work

Printable activities, memory work, songs, and poems with audio files are included for easy and successful memory work.

Parent Resources

This program helps parents too! Parental support in Little Explorers includes:

  • One parent support Q&A each month — attend live to learn about a new early education topic and get your questions answered or watch the replays.
  • A supportive online community. Never have a question that goes unanswered about homeschooling preschool and beyond.
  • Daily texts  of the activities from the plans. Need a gentle reminder to get this done? Easy. Get a text each day!

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A Creative And Engaging Curriculum To Help You Homeschool Preschool

Get the right balance of play-based and literature rich activities for your preschooler along with the support and encouragement you need to thrive as a new homeschooling parent with Little Explorers.

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If you are interested in some help in choosing the right poems, getting the great picture books and having more fun play ideas for you and your preschooler, Little Explorers was made for you!

It is sometimes a little bit scary to begin to homeschool your preschooler. This is a delightful way to add a little bit of pre-school activities to your day for your littlest one, without you having to come up with everything. Little Explorers provides help and encouragement, all along the way.

Learn more about Little Explorers HERE.
