The Secret to Homeschool Consistency: Minimum Viable Days
Are you ready to tackle consistency in your homeschool? In this episode, Iโm joined by Dawn Garrett to talk about one of my favorite tools: the Minimum Viable Day (MVD). We share how this simple concept helped us overcome perfectionism and establish daily momentum in our homeschools. Learn how to identify what truly matters for…
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The Hack That Will Simplify Your Homeschool For Good
Chaos is not my thing.ย Not that anyone really likes it, but some most folks roll with the punches better than I do. The kids are yelling. The dog is tracking mud through the kitchen while he yips incessantly at said children. Aย potย isย boiling over on the stove. And in the midst of this, I am supposed…
Find and Fix the Gaps in Your Child’s Reading with All About Reading
This post contains affiliate links. Disclosure. As a kid, I was a reader. A lot doesn’t even begin to describe how much I read. And though it had to happen at some point, I can’t remember not being able to read or learning to read. I just remember hours spent curled up with a good…
Can You Successfully Homeschool Preschool? A New Approach
Can You Successfully Homeschool Preschool? The answer is a resounding, ‘Yes!” This is everything you need to get started. I am encouraged by the way our routine is falling into place around here. Without too much prompting from me our days tend to follow a particular pattern that just works for us. I notice that…
Seven summer ideas for a better homeschool year
Ah, summer. The time for swimming pools, cookouts, camp, and getting your house in order. Yep. I said that last one. It is tempting to shut down during the summer and only focus on fun (actually, it is really good to do quite a bit of that) but summer is also a great time to…
How to Use Your Happy Planner to Organize Your Homeschool
I was never going to be one of those people. You know the ones, those Happy Planner people. What was that thing anyway? Three big boxes for each day? What would I ever use that for? No lines, no nicely divided subject areas for my homeschool planner. The thing was useless as far as I…
It’s time for the checklist homeschool moms to stop apologizing
My kids piled out of the mini-van and chatted happily, heading in the door of the donut shop. It was hot — almost 100 degrees on this mid-July day. But it was the first day of school and that means donuts. This was not some spontaneous decision made in the moment, but instead, a planned…
The Beauty of Us-Schooling is Us
You may have noticed that the blog has been a bit quiet. Yeah, sorry about that, but we’ve had quite a bit going on. Big life-changing things. No worries. Not bad things at all, but challenging things that I am really not much at liberty to discuss here (sorry), but I can say that these…
How to Feel Less Busy Even When You Can’t Be
There’s a common misconception by many non-homeschoolers that what homeschoolers do all day is stay tucked inside their houses reading classical literature and practicing for the National Spelling Bee. This misconception feeds into the whole socialization myth that continues to plague every homeschool mom who ever lived. Typically the reality is much, much different than…
Your words aren’t as helpful as you think they are
I know you mean well. When I published my post on homeschool consistency I got quite a few responses. There were people who thanked me for writing the post, talking about how much it helped them (which was my intent). There were a few who condemned the need for me to write the post in…
How to Make your Homeschool Plan Not Feel Like a Big Guess
Laura wanted to do this homeschool thing just right. She had struggled in the past, but this year was going to be different. Her homeschool planning was going to be perfect. So she started by buying a fresh, new homeschool planner. You know the kind. It had months of lesson plan grids that started in…
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