Add Wonder to Your Homeschool With Unit Studies
Struggling to keep your homeschooling engaging and effective? I’ve got you covered! In this episode of Homeschool Better Together, Laney Homan and I chat about the benefits of unit studies. I share memories of my early homeschooling days, filled with unit studies that made learning come alive for my kids. Laney, a busy mom of…
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The Ultimate Guide to My Book House for Homeschoolers
Gather in homeschool circles for very long and you will come across mention of My Book House. Usually, the questions about this beloved set of books are either “Are they worth the cost?” or “How do I use them in the homeschool once I have them?” I am going to come right out and say that I…
How to Use Your Happy Planner to Organize Your Homeschool
I was never going to be one of those people. You know the ones, those Happy Planner people. What was that thing anyway? Three big boxes for each day? What would I ever use that for? No lines, no nicely divided subject areas for my homeschool planner. The thing was useless as far as I…
Five Fantastic Homeschool Room Hacks
The key to an organized homeschool is a functional space for all of your materials. That space might be a few tote bags, a bookshelf, a closet, or an entire room, but the key is to create useful storage that works for you. We have had our Ikea homeschool room (<—- See our FUN MAKEOVER!)…
Homeschool Planning Success: A Step By Step Guide (2022)
Three years ago my husband was deployed with the Alabama National Guard. Since we are a Guard family, we know that it can always happen, but this one took us a little by surprise. He was tagged to go with a unit that was not his own and therefore two years earlier than what we had…
How Perfectionism is Destroying your Homeschool Consistency
So many new homeschoolers think the answer to their homeschool problems is finding the best method or the perfect curriculum. I’m here today to tell you that neither of those are the answer — there is something else that will make your homeschool more effective and easier to do. Instead, an effective homeschool comes from…
It’s time for the checklist homeschool moms to stop apologizing
My kids piled out of the mini-van and chatted happily, heading in the door of the donut shop. It was hot — almost 100 degrees on this mid-July day. But it was the first day of school and that means donuts. This was not some spontaneous decision made in the moment, but instead, a planned…
Why You Need to Stop Buying Homeschool Planners
Hey, I get it. I love planners myself. I have the billion colored pens, disc-bound pages, bullet journals, stickers, washi — all of it. Planners are just plain fun. And it is easy to get caught up in the fun of making a homeschool planner. It’s also easy to look for a solution to your…
The most important person in your homeschool plan is not your kid
In this world, there are two kinds of people. People who buy any old planner and just use it, and people who buy multiple planning products and never really use any of them. There’s quite possibly a need for a twelve-step program for that last group. 🙂 The people in the last group aren’t wishy-washy….
Ten Steps to the Perfect Homeschool Plan
The perfect homeschool plan is not elusive. In fact, it is easy to create the perfect plan for your family if you begin by considering the needs of your family, considering your limitations as a homeschool teacher, and avoiding common pitfalls. Planning means following a series of prescribed steps that will ensure that you have a…
Three Ways I’m Bringing My Basket This School Year
You know that awkward moment when your best friend asks you what you thought of her book? And you liked it, you really liked it, but the English teacher in you wants to ask, “Are you sure somebody didn’t help you with this?” Because it’s just that good. You talk to someone every single day…
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