Welcome to the new home of Everyday Snapshots on the web. If you are reading this in a feed, then I am one happy girl. It means I have managed to redirect my feed without messing things up. Be sure to click on over and see the new place. (For some folks it may take a day or so for the site to switch over, so be patient — unlike me.)

I decided that it was time to move on over to WordPress from Blogger. The move should give me a better ability to bring you more great content. And since I have more time than money, I decided to make the change myself.

Everyday Snapshots moves to WordPress

Hopefully the move will enhance your experience, but please excuse my dust around here as I work out all of the kinks and such. Things may continue to move around a bit for a while as I get settled in, but I promise to stop messing with it too much as time goes by.

Be sure to leave me a comment in the fancy commenting system and let me know how you like it. Don’t forget to check the Commentluv box so you will be easy for me to find back.

You know I am always open to suggestion, so if you have one then throw it my way. What would you like to see or not see and what would make things easier to find around here.

And now, I have posts to catch up on and write. Can’t have a fancy new writing spot with no writing in it. Look for a new Tech Thursday coming out this week, I owe you some Lent planners in a hurry, and I am hoping to finish off the week with a long-overdue daybook.

I appreciate you being here!