HS 171: Are you an unschooler? The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods with Sue ElvisPin
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The third interview in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods  was a delight to record. I loved chatting with my old friend, Sue Elvis who blogs at sueelviswrites.com. Sue unschools her large family where they focus on doing their own projects, relationships, and trusting the child.

Unschooling: The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling MethodsPin

Links and resources from today’s show:

 Big Life Journal: A Growth Mindset Journal for Children Big Life Journal – Teen Edition: A Growth Mindset Journal for Tweens & Teens BookShark Curious Unschoolers: Stories of an Unschooling Family A Little Way of Homeschooling Homeschooling with Gentleness: A Catholic Discovers Unschooling

Audio Notes

The minute and second mark to find the following topics.

  • 6:26 Sue describes the philosophy of unschooling.
  • 9:21 Sue explains “strewing”
  • 11:28 How does Sue make sure her children learn the basic skills
  • 16:03 Sue’s favorite resources for moms interested in unschooling
  • 17:06 What does a typical day look like in Sue’s home
  • 21:05 The Elvis kids’ university experiences and how unschooling prepared them
  • 23:25 How Sue uses Evernote to keep her legal homeschool records
  • 26:15 Why Sue thinks that unschooling is the best way for children to learn
  • 27:30 What would Sue do if one of her children decided to check out and not learn for a while
  • 28:27 The importance of Mom’s example in unschooling

Free Resource Sheet

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods Printable ResourcePin

Is Unschooling right for you? As a gift to you, I am offering this free downloadable resource sheet on homeschooling methods. Find out which method might appeal to you, and the number one resource I recommend for beginning to explore each method.

And when you sign up for your free download you will be added to the weekly newsletter list so you will be notified when more audio interviews about each method are released. There will be five in all.

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