Brandy Vencel: Are you a Charlotte Mason Homeschooler?
Charlotte Mason: The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods Feature

The second interview in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods is with a super-special friend of mine, Brandy Vencel. I am not (currently) a Charlotte Mason homeschooler, but sitting at the feet of Brandy keeps inching me more and more in that direction I think. I just love chatting with her about Charlotte Mason.

Brandy, who has used Ambleside Online since her oldest was in first grade, is on the Ambleside Online Auxiliary Board. She also provides excellent Charlotte Mason support on her blog Afterthoughts.

I hope you enjoy meeting Brandy.

Links and Resources from Today’s Show:

 Towards A Philosophy Of Education (Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series) Start Here: A Journey Through Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style Left Back: A Century of Battles over School Reform Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Cultural Liturgies)

Audio Notes

The minute and second mark to find the following topics.

  • 2:34 What influenced Brandy’s decision to use the Charlotte Mason method of education.
  • 3:52 Why Brandy thinks it’s okay to start with Charlotte Mason practices before you completely understand Charlotte Mason principles.
  • 7:04 Why Charlotte Mason principles are great for meeting the child where he or she is.
  • 8:54 Charlotte Mason’s 20 principles and why they are the heart of a Charlotte Mason education.
  • 14:30 Brandy’s typical day – goats and all.
  • 16:10 All about Brandy’s Morning Time (She calls it Circle Time.)
  • 23:49 Can you still use some favorite mainstream curriculum with a Charlotte Mason education?
  • 28:38 Brandy’s “one thing” that she feels is the heart of a Charlotte Mason education.
  • 29:21 Why Brandy feels the Charlotte Mason method is the best way to educate a child.

Free Resource Sheet

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Methods Printable Resource

Is this method of homeschooling right for you? As a gift to you, I am offering this free downloadable resource sheet on homeschooling methods. Find out which method might appeal to you, and the number one resource I recommend for beginning to explore each method.

And when you sign up for your free download you will be added to the weekly newsletter list so you will be notified when more audio interviews about each method are released. There will be five in all.
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