KIds Baking BookPin

I don’t know about your kids, but mine love to bake. There is something about getting in the kitchen and making a mess while making something yummy that appeals.

This summer I had the pleasure of meeting Tiffany Dahle who has a brand new baking book out for kids. My favorite thing about it (other than the gorgeous photos)? It makes things easy. It is written in clear, kid-friendly language. I could totally hand this over to my kids and they will actually learn to bake all the things.

On this episode of the podcast Tiffany and I chat about the book, but also many of the benefits of baking with kids. You also get to hear Tiffany’s story of how she came unexpectedly to homeschooling and what it is meaning to her family.

Links and resources from today’s show:

 Big Life Journal: A Growth Mindset Journal for Children Big Life Journal – Teen Edition: A Growth Mindset Journal for Tweens & Teens Maestro Classics 12 CD Collection Lesson Plan Pre-Order Bonus The Ultimate Kids’ Cookbook: Fun One-Pot Recipes Your Whole Family Will Love! The Ultimate Kids’ Baking Book: 60 Easy and Fun Dessert Recipes for Every Holiday, Birthday, Milestone and More

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