HS 148: Homeschool Convention 411 with Dawn Garrett

Today I am joined by Homeschool Solutions Community Manager and fellow convention fan Dawn Garrett to talk all about the homeschool convention. Dawn and I are both long-time attendees of homeschool conventions and are looking forward to meeting many of you there this year.

In this episode Dawn and I dish:

  1. Why go to a homeschool convention at all.
  2. Our favorite panel or talk from a convention and how to decide which speakers to see.
  3. How to avoid “overload” and work the vendor hall like a pro.
  4. The pros and cons of going with family or friends.
  5. How to stick to your budget and the one tool you should not forget to take to the convention.
  6. How going to conventions have helped us in our homeschooling and why we wouldn’t miss going each year.

If you haven’t given a convention a thought this episode might get your inspired to check on out.

Links and resources from today’s show:

 Big Life Journal: A Growth Mindset Journal for Children Big Life Journal – Teen Edition: A Growth Mindset Journal for Tweens & Teens

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