*Note: It is late, and I am foregoing sleep for blogging. This will bite me in the bottom, just you wait.

But, I wanted to update you guys on some cool scrapping projects I am working on.

First, is my Scrap Your Day from APRIL. Yes, only over a month late, and I just finished it today. I still have until June 24 to finish May’s pages, and I won’t be behind on this project. Got to put that on the list. I want to go on the record too, that sometimes this traditional scrapbooking stuff makes me want to pull my hair out. You can see in the photo below that I did the hinged picture idea Shimelle suggested, but my hinges are having issues and aren’t holding well. I may have to take this to Dr. Debbie for a little scrapbooking TLC. I did like the way the pages turned out. And in a seriously blonde moment, I put the space for the binding at the top of BOTH sides of the page, when it should have been at the bottom of the top page. Ah well. I will just mount these on card stock to fix that little error – live and learn and make it work. Anyway, here are the finished pages as they will appear when bound (the binding will run between the two sections).


Note my own handwritten journaling – practically unheard of.

And next is an egg carton (yes, you read that right) I decorated for my latest class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. The class is called A Baker’s Dozen and is all about creativity, letting go, and completing pages. Today was the first day, and we received a few assignments like collect 25 buttons in two colors (storing those in the sections of the egg carton, so that is what that is all about) and select three vertical photos of your significant other. We are supposed to have assignments like those for the next five days and then are going to get instructions and inspiration on how to put together 13 pages. I am already eggs-stra excited about it. Can’t wait to share some pages.



And since this class is about creativity, I found a couple of inspiring quotes to use on the inside cover of  my carton. I love the one by Picasso, which I think will be so appropriate for the class. The other by Bradbury is a big reminder for me. I tend to over think all the time.

And I have fallen a bit behind on my Library of Memories assignments. I hope to catch those up before next Thursday. Never enough hours in the day. Speaking of, I need to spend the next few hours sleeping before someone wakes me early.