I’m a homeschool graduate who is now homeschooling two sweet girls of my own. Somewhere around the time my firstborn reached 3rd grade and the youngest was starting real school, I began to really burn out. We were falling behind (for real) as I swung too far toward relaxed, only to get super anxious because I knew I wasn’t giving this calling my best effort.

I cannot remember where I first heard of Morning Time, but I ATE UP everything I could find on this topic!! It awakened something fierce and hopeful in my soul….. I saw, maybe for the first time, a vision for what our learning adventure *could* be.

That was 3 years ago, and I truly believe that knowing where I was, we may not be still homeschooling today if we hadn’t adopted this practice. Morning Time gave me a wake-up call to see the treasure of time I have with my girls- time to engage in dwelling on what really matters: Truth. Goodness. Beauty.

Where the academics alone were destroying the delight, Morning Time gave us a space to soak it in. I am forever grateful, and I will never look back.

Amanda Wells