Could not resist. ‘Tis the season, fa la, la and all that don’t you know. But I am really tickled that Angela from And the Kitchen Sink has tagged me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Now I have to think of seven unique things to tell you about me. This could get scary.
  1. I don’t text. I set up wireless home networks, my old XP machine as a print server, file sharing for our computers using different operating systems and platforms, custom blogs for myself and others, websites, and various other bits of technical gadgetry, but I do not text. I don’t even know how on my current phone. I have to admit since the last iOS roll out I have been sending Matt messages from my iPod to his new iPhone, but that is about all I know how to do. Now you know my deepest technology shame. That and I had a cheap MP3 player I could never figure out once.
  2. I have another confession. I have been watching The Walking Dead with Matt — and enjoying it. I know. I know. I did not want to like the zombie show, but the stories have been pretty compelling. I just keep my computer in front of me and mostly listen. Sometimes I sneak a peek and Matt is very helpful about telling me when I can and shouldn’t look. I think what appeals to me most is the post-apocalyptic storyline (Miss Mary Sunshine aren’t I?). But I have always enjoyed books like Alas, Babylon and The Stand, so it goes well.
  3. Pound cake is my favorite cake. My mom makes the best pound cake. I recently started making them myself and am getting pretty good at it — the kids and Matt love them. Not good for the waistline, though.
  4. I have gotten really bored with figure skating. (*GASP*) I know. I used to be the biggest fan, but the new scoring system has sucked the life right out of it for me. You know exactly what you are going to see before anyone even steps on the ice. There’s no drama, no surprise. We seriously need a figure skating revival.
  5. I really want to go on that show What Not to Wear. Would someone please nominate me? I have no problem throwing away my clothes and getting an entirely new wardrobe. I would also have no problem being all antagonistic about it. Olivia once asked me why I hated fashion. I don’t. I just don’t have the patience or money to be good at it. In serious need of a mommy makeover here.
  6. Does anyone know how to make iPad/iPod apps? I have some ideas for apps that I think would be really well received in the homeschool community. They are not going to make anyone a million, I don’t think, but might pull a buck or two. Problem is I know next to nothing about app development. If someone can put me in touch with a developer who will work for a (lion’s) share of the profit, then apps like The Narration Spinner will be coming to an app store near you soon.
  7. I’ve been thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I think I need to smile more. And be more joyful. And complain less. I am a happy person and really content with my life, but I don’t think it really shows. Not sure how to go about this. Prayer is obvious. Maybe a gratitude journal? A complaint jar I have to pay every time I say something negative? Ideas?
Here’s the fun part. Now I get to award seven other bloggers. The rules say new blogs to me. It just so happens that I recently added a few new blogs to my reader — delightful finds that I have been enjoying. Here goes:

Simply Necessary – And you MUST follow Amy on Pinterest. She pins the neatest things. I think that is how I found her blog.
Mama of Letters – A mama doing PBL with littles similar in ages to mine.
Teaching Stars – Found Kristen over at TWTM forums. Love that many school photos she takes of her girls are of them in dress up while they work. Lots in common there.
Little Homeschool on the Prairie – Relaxed learning and a beautiful blog.
Explorations in Learning – Love the eclectic mix!
A Family Treehouse – Homeschooling while RVing across the country. Love it!
Living and Learning – An American ex-pat and new Catholic convert, living and homeschooling in Japan. Good stuff.