It’s Making it Count Tuesday! Every week, Sarah and I are co-hosting the Making it Count Tuesday link-up. Start with any one of those fabulous ideas you have found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us.  Make your time online count. 


Ahem. This has to be the ugliest-ever Making it Count Tuesday picture. Okay, I know it is just week two, but after we have been doing this a long, long time, it will still be the ugliest. But that is on purpose — really.
I am not a great housekeeper. That said, I am not a horrible housekeeper either, by any means. I am a medium housekeeper. If I have to be honest, I would say that I do just enough cleaning to be able to convince myself that my house isn’t really that dirty. I can’t blame my lack of housekeeping skills on the kids. It was about the same before they were born. I will say, I desire to do better now, than I ever did then. Maybe it is because this is my vocation now, and I yearn to be better at it.
So a couple of weeks ago I set out online looking for some inspiration. I can’t remember how, but I stumbled upon A Slob Comes Clean, and I was instantly hooked. I read. A lot. I started at the beginning and read forward for about a year’s worth of posts. That is huge, because Nony posts at least once a day, sometimes more. It really resonated with me. 

No, I am not a slob. There are many ways I do not think at all like Nony. I tell ya, though, there are many, many ways that I do. Case in point: dirty kitchen cabinet. I see it and instead of just grabbing a rag and cleaning the blasted thing, I start thinking about cleaning all the kitchen cabinets and how much time that will take — getting the soapy water and the rag and wiping everything down. Then it never gets done. Really. And I’m a grown woman.

So the first thing I took from my time at Nony’s was the idea of a Daily Checklist. I like how she calls it her “Non-negotiable List” of things to do every day to keep the house on track. I have always had a daily routine, but now I have expanded it — adding one thing to it each week for a few weeks. I have added the things I needed to add so that completing this list makes my house look and feel cleaner, and me feel on top of things every single day. The days I get this done my house feels incredible, and I feel so accomplished.
As to why this is not pretty? Many times in the past I have spent much time pretty-ing something up to never actually get it done. This time I scribbled everything out with a Sharpie on a sheet of notebook paper. It took all of five minutes. I have spent my time instead working on the projects instead. Not getting bogged down — that’s making it count.
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