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Welcome to Project Snapshot

In this space we endeavor to capture a memory with camera, just words, or both. Share a memory from your week that you do not wish to forget — a laugh with a child, a moment with a spouse, a memory gathered while alone. In time we will have a collection of memories to treasure.

My Snapshot

We got a dog!! Ok, we had a dog. Our wonderful Val is a 14-year-old Maltese. He has been with us for twelve years and we love him dearly, but he has been a grumpy old man for as long as the kids have been interested in playing with a dog.

So we have been talking about a new dog for a while now and have been very interested in a poodle mix. An opportunity presented itself to get a pup week before last, but that one didn’t work out. We were sad and a bit bereft. We had prayed and didn’t know why things had not worked out.

And then we saw Pepe’s picture on a poodle rescue page. He seemed perfect, and he was in our town! We met him and despite his extreme shyness felt like he would warm up to us over time — and he has! After a name change (to Rocky) and a good haircut, he is fitting right in to our little family dynamic.

He is a “mama’s dog.” He likes to be by my side, on my lap, under my feet. He is playful at times and just as sweet as he can be.

Project Snapshot Week 10 | Everyday Snapshots

Project Snapshot: Some Changes

I have decided that Project Snapshots would make a much better monthly link-up instead of weekly one. The idea can remain to still collect one memory a week, or you can decide to simply to a monthly wrap-up or photo collage for the month. I think that will give you and me more freedom in how we use the link-up and might also encourage more participation.

So from here on out, Project Snapshot will be posted on the second Monday of every month. I will try to shoot you a reminder each month as the day gets closer.

Project Snapshot: Your Turn

Now it’s your turn. If you do not blog, feel free to share your memory below or use the hash tag #projectsnapshot on your favorite social media outlet so we can find you there.