Project Snapshot Logo
Project Snapshot Week 3 Logo | Everyday Snapshots

Welcome to Project Snapshot

In this space we endeavor to capture a memory with camera, just words, or both. Share a memory from your week that you do not wish to forget — a laugh with a child, a moment with a spouse, a memory gathered while alone. In time we will have a collection of memories to treasure.

My Snapshot



Ode to a Rainbow Loom

Oh toy! Oh tool! Oh loom delight!
Your charms, your bracelets we adore.
And yet I long for this obsession to end.
And your bands no longer litter my floor.

Project Snapshot: Your Turn

Now it’s your turn. If you do not blog, feel free to share your memory below or use the hash tag #projectsnapshot on your favorite social media outlet so we can find you there.