Afraid of homeschooling high school? Let's talk.

I’ll never forget the day my eldest child told me what she wanted to do with her life. She was 15 years old and had just been to a week-long violin camp. She came home KNOWING she wanted to pursue music as a career.

Unfortunately, she was far behind schedule for being ready to audition for college within two short years. Her teacher told us she would need to practice at least three hours a day to have any hope of making up all the necessary ground.

Homeschooling High School Help

If she had been attending public school, I don’t see how she would have been able to carve out the time she needed to practice (within a year it had jumped to FOUR hours a day). But because we were homeschooling her all the way through high school, she was able to devote a good portion of each day to her craft — and get credit for it.

Have YOU given any thought to homeschooling high school?

If you have, let me guess how that went. Did you say things like this to yourself?

How am I supposed to be able to teach all those higher level subjects?
I’ll probably miss something crucial.
I could totally mess up my kid’s chances to get into college!
What about all the extracurriculars they could do at the public school?
What about all the social activities they could participate in at the public school?
My kids will start to hate me…!!

*runs screaming into the night*

Several of these were my fears, and I hear all of them often from members of my Facebook group, It’s Not That Hard to Homeschool High School. I’ve had many friends choose to put their kids into traditional school after homeschooling through elementary or middle school, rather than continue to homeschool high school, due to those same fears.

Guess what? There are answers to all of them. Doable, practical, even EASY answers.

How do I know? Well, we have now graduated three children from our homeschool, with another one due this spring and our last in four more years. Homeschooling high school has been my FAVORITE season of homeschool. And it can be for you, too!

Homeschool high school without fear

Consider these responses to the fears listed above:

–You don’t have to be the person that teaches them anymore. You can sign them up for online courses or purchase curriculum that the student does independently. Even science labs. NO LIE. 🙂

–What colleges require is not a secret. You can find out for yourself to make sure you don’t miss anything. You can even make your own transcript!

–Extra-curricular opportunities abound outside of the public school setting these days. Homeschooling does not limit your child; in fact, I would say your child has a GREATER opportunity to pursue what interests them because they are not restricted by the public school schedule or requirements.

–The answer to the “socialization” question doesn’t change just because our children enter high school. It’s still very possible for them to make friends and interact socially. It’s much easier for them to learn to converse with adults and other people who are NOT their age because they are not hampered by peer pressure or as worried about how others perceive them. (I mean, let’s be real; they are still teens, so this will still be a thing — just not as intense.)

–Getting to know your teen and develop a solid relationship with them is actually more doable, because you are together all the time. Of course there is conflict — but there is plenty of time to resolve it, and relationships can be strengthened as a result. I count my now-adult children as my close friends. We know each other VERY well, lol.

Even after reading these, I know you probably still have a gazillion more concerns. Deep breaths; it’s gonna be OK! 🙂 I’ve addressed several more of the common ones in my post entitled 12 Reassuring Facts You Should Know About Homeschooling High School.

One thing to remember is that you don’t have to answer ALL of your questions before you start. All you need to do is take the first step, and the rest of the necessary information will fall in line as you need it to. Nowadays there are SO MANY great resources for high school homeschoolers that there is no need to feel alone or without help.

I’m so excited to be guest-posting here with Pam! She’s one neat lady! I’m hoping that over time I can ease your fears about homeschooling high school and give you the encouragement you need to proceed with confidence. You can do this thing! And I’m here to help!!

In case you are wondering, my daughter was indeed able to get ready in time to audition for college. She was accepted into a wonderful music program at a well-known university and graduated magna cum laude. This year she started grad school for violin performance — with a full scholarship. (Yes, this was totally a mama-brag and you are probably gagging right now, lol. Do be reassured that my kids are all unique and that we count success differently for each one of them — another advantage of homeschooling high school, btw. Just sayin’. 🙂 )

My point? The thought of homeschooling high school does not need to cause fear and trepidation. It is a very doable thing, and it can even be very fulfilling and one of the most enjoyable times of your child’s education — no matter what path your child wants to take as an adult. Be willing to NOT run screaming into the night when you think about it! In fact, decide today to at least consider it for your family. I think you’ll be glad you did.

P.S. Want to know what to do to get started? My book Cure the Fear of Homeschooling High School takes your through all the research and planning so you can homeschool your teen with confidence. Take a look at it here: Cure the Fear of Homeschooling High School.
