Our Plans and Picks for 2019 | Homeschool Morning Time

As best I can remember this is our seventh year (seventh!!) of doing Morning Time. And while it has changed some through the year, in many respects it is the same has it has always been.

We build our Morning Time foundation on the 4 Rs — ritual, reading, recitation, and relationship — and that never changes. If you want to know more about the 4Rs as a basis for Morning Time check out my book! In addition, we put in some extra subjects and activities every now and again. Here is a breakdown of what we will be using this year.

Daily Subjects in our Morning Time

Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization – This is where the bulk of our memory work comes from. Sometimes I pull other selections from Shakespeare and from the Morning Time Bites available in our subscription.

MadLibs – This perennial favorite gets done almost daily at our house. We have done a ton of different books and are having fun with Dr. Who Madlibs this fall.

Friendly Defenders – These flashcards are apologetics for young Catholics. Every card has Scripture as the basis for the argument. We are memorizing these verses along with our poetry.

Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts – We analyze one sentence a day — it is an easy way to fit grammar for all ages (along with vocabulary!) into our day quick, easy, and enjoyable. I just buy the teacher edition of the grammar book and the sentence analysis book.

Loop Subjects in Our Morning Time

After our daily subjects above we will choose one or two (usually just one) other subjects to complete from this list below. You can see me plan the loop schedule by watching the video below. I used these planning forms from our site.

The Story of the Bible – A Catholic Bible study of the Old Testament by Tan Books. We will be doing the audio version and DVD Lectures during Morning Time while the kids will be narrating and doing the map work independently.

Enjoy the Poems Tennyson – We are still working our way through this wonderful selection of Tennyson poems from Simply Charlotte Mason.

SQUILT Goes to the Movies – This special SQUILT volume is included in our SQUILT membership. Once we finish this one I am going to try one of the listening calendars from SQUILT.com.

Nature Study Hacking – Right now we are using the Stars and Skies. After we finish that one, we will move on to Trees.

Watercolor Lesson Plan Lists — I am using some of the art lesson plan lists from our Morning Time Subscription to add some easy art to our Morning Time. We have a beginner and intermediate watercolor set we will be working our way through. We use smaller sheets of watercolor paper to make the projects easier to complete (no huge sheets to fill up — and cheaper!). We do not skimp on quality watercolors and these brushes with the water in the barrel means no spilled water messes at the table.

As we finish some of these subjects I will replace them with others from the lesson plan lists in the Morning Time subscription. We will also likely take a break to do some liturgical year plans or some holiday plans from our collection as well.

To watch me plan out the Morning Time or to see inside my binder and how I structure our memory work review, be sure to check out that video above. If you would like help planning your own Morning Time you can sign up for our free sample set of Morning Time plans where we do all the planning for you!

Free Homeschool Morning Time Plans