

As a formerly classroom teacher, who loved school both as a child and as a teacher, when we started homeschooling it was really me trying to “do school” at home. It wasn’t bad, but I felt like something was missing that I had been hoping to accomplish with my kids. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was but I felt underwhelmed with our homeschool time. It was good, but not great.

About two years ago I first heard about Morning Time. It was exactly what we had been missing. Even though I am constantly changing and tweaking exactly what we’re doing during our Morning Time, the main theme is that we are making memories together while learning together about things that are full of truth, beauty, and goodness. We’re learning poetry, memorizing catechisms, studying great art and artists, and of course reading fabulous books together. It has absolutely become my favorite part of our homeschool day!

Heather Gross