It’s been a week… and then some.


Facebook is tickling my funny bone these days. Yeah, it can be a time-suck and there is a love/hate relationship, but things like this have me cracking up. And this squirrel is a hoot too. For more quality, uplifting entertainment be sure to follow us on Facebook. After all, everyone needs more interpretive dancing squirrels in their lives, right?


Your Morning Basket got a shout-out this week on Anna’s Little Drops of Water. It made my day! This is what she had to say about the relationship module:

I need a mindset change to see that we are all on the same team, and although I have a position of leadership, we are all learning and growing. Our goal should be the same as the Apostle Paul’s: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) Morning Time can be a tool to build family unity as we gather together to worship and grow in the knowledge of God and the world He has made.

I love that!


We’ve been ‘scoping every day over on Periscope (great place for community). Every weekday afternoon between  3:15-4:00 central I do the Homeschool Snapshots Show.

You can follow me here for my latest scopes (and get the notificaiton on your device to join in live) and you can also catch the replays on for scopes older than 24 hours.

Here’s a favorite from this week about what advice we wish we had gotten when we started homeschooling. Be sure to read all the comments for everyone’s answers.


Downton Abbey starts its final season in the UK on Sunday night. This means by prime time in the US you can watch if you know how to tunnel in to do it. Perfectly legal and Tunnelbear makes a great VPN for when you are working on a public network as well.

I’ll be watching (because who can wait until January?!). PM or email me if you want to chat about it (but no spoilers please!!). Speaking of Masterpiece (well, I wasn’t but close enough) there are some shows on the fall season that look awesome — like all of them. I loved Poldark this summer, so I can’t wait to dig into some of these.


straightforwardI am totally intrigued by Mystie’s new course Work the Plan. I love Simplified Organization and have had a great time watching Mystie’s recent webinars and scopes on paper versus digital planning, so I can’t wait to check this out.

This is a limited time deal — the buying, not the access. You can only buy until September 30, but once you are in you have lifetime access. And if you purchase before September 25 you get access to a free, live Q&A on Sept. 28.

Mystie assures me that this will even help you work any plan — like even your homeschool plan. Nice, huh?

Be sure to use the code snapshots to get 20% off because that is the best deal going right now.


Picked up one of these this week to help Olivia with her spelling while she writes. I will have you know that I looked all over for an app to help with this issue, but they were all pretty awful.

I went old-school at the suggestion of my podcast manager, Mary, and the Franklin Spelling Corrector works like a charm.

All Olivia has to do is enter in a word how she thinks it might be spelled and the speller puts up suggested words.

We haven’t had to go past the second suggestion yet to find the one she is after. Pretty sweet and the price can’t be beat.


A week in pictures


John really wants to learn steel drums. Fortunately the wonderful music director at our church can do that. Lessons started just this past week. I see Calypso music in my future. Matt says we are just going to get tiki torches and umbrella drinks and embrace it.


Even pugs can learn to love truth, goodness, and beauty. Minnie joined us for Morning Time one day this week.


Olivia left this heart leaf on my computer keyboard. I <3 her.


Science class at our Scholé Group. Doesn’t it look like a wonderful time?


That time Your Morning Basket hit #1 in iTunes for its category (K-12 Education). You can’t see it in this picture, but Homeschool Snapshots was number #9 that day. Pretty cool!

I’m linking up with Mary at Homegrown Learners for Collage Friday and Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for Weekly Wrap-up. You guys have an awesome week!