1 – Shhhhh. I am up by myself this morning. Have been for a whole 12 minutes now. I have my coffee and the house is silent. This is a little piece of heaven. I’ll let you know how long it lasts. I predict another 2-3 minutes.

2 – I am facing a major case of writer’s block on the old blog here. If you homeschool your first seven-year-old there is only so much “expert” opinion you can have before you lose your ability to be an expert, know what I mean? I am not much good at the heartfelt, mom-advice stories — I’m more of a nuts and bolts girl myself. So I need to branch out and find some new, yet related, topics. Any suggestions? Anything you are dying to know about us, how we do something? Ask! Please!

3 – I completed a 5K last Saturday with the dismal time of 46:41. My mom and step-dad were going to walk this 5K together for their town’s big festival. Except Mom hurt her foot and backed out, so she asked if I would do it. I had about two weeks’ notice and every intention of trying to get out and “train” a little, but never got around to it. So I went into this thing cold — I haven’t exercised in about nine months. I was pretty pleased to finish and really pleased not to finish last. And now I got the bug. There is another race coming up June 23 and I am actually *gasp* training for it. I dusted off my Couch to 5K running app, a friend is helping me with the kids, and I am running three days a week. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. I’ll keep you posted.

4 – Speaking of, I desperately need to drop a few pounds. We are having family pictures taken mid-May and ugh. Does anyone else have a terrible time getting motivated to lose weight? I know what I need to do, I just don’t want to do it. Actually, more than that I think, it is just one of those things that moves to the bottom of my list during my busy days. I get so wrapped up in everything else it is just easier to grab something quick than take time to make a salad. I must start now, though. I know I am not going to be happy with me in these photos unless I am at least five pounds lighter (preferably more) when they are taken.

5 – And it continues. 33 minutes of golden silence so far. Does my cold little introverted heart so much good to start the day this way. It’s a gift!

6 – My poor baby girl got her anti-thumb-sucking appliance put on yesterday, and she had something of a rough night. Olivia has sucked her thumb hard since birth (probably even before) and was drastically changing the shape of her teeth and beginning to change the shape of her bone as well. Add to that she didn’t have a good start — she inherited my overbite (which I didn’t get corrected until adulthood) so was already in a bad place. We had tried painting bad-tasting paint on her thumbs and thumb guards, but she simply sucked it off or worked her thumb out in her desire for that comfort. We could stay on her during the day about her habit, but we could also hear her across the house at night, sucking in her sleep. So we sought professional help. There were tears last night, and much moaning and gnashing of teeth. “I’m just so uncomfortable, mom.” My heart just broke for her. I sincerely hope that was the worst one, and it will begin to get better from here.

7 – The kids and I are making it without Dad. We only have about two more weeks, and he will be home — for a while anyway. I get a bit grumpy sometimes, especially in the evenings when I am used to having help, and I am just at the end of my rope. I am craving space and quiet and there is dinner, baths, and bedtime to get through. And honestly who wants to just “get through” bedtime. It should be nicer than that. Days should end with stories and snuggles and not “grump-o-mom.” But it is oh-so-hard most days.

Made it 47 minutes before the boys stumbled into the kitchen with smiles, hugs, and “goodmornings.” Those cheery goodmornings are icing on the cake.

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