Learn to Write Numbers 11-20

This activity is part of my Learn to Write Numbers resources. Be sure to click over to get all the fun printables and ideas.

With little ones in the house, it takes lots of practice to learn to write numbers. So when a reader requested that I make printables for numbers 11-20, it was pretty easy to say yes.

Learn to Write Numbers 11-20 Free Printables Pam Barnhill Homeschool Solutions

These printables are a little different from the original number series. The original has poems whereas these do not. Also in an effort to keep the papers from getting way too crowded with items to count, I put a single bug on the sheet.

The kids should draw in dots on the bug to equal the number they are currently learning to write. Just a little math reinforcement.

Like the original printables, these come in two different versions. First is the preschool version that has large boxes for younger kids who are first learning to form the numbers, but don’t have the fine motor control needed to make the numbers on a line.

The other version of the printable has a few numbers to trace the lines and then a space for your young writer to practice a few numbers on his own.

They come in one PDF with all the files — easy to download and print.

Learn to write numbers 11-20

Choose the version of the printable that suits your purposes the best or feel free to download both versions.

Download the Learn to Write Numbers Preschool Version

Learn to Write Numbers 11-20 Free Printables Pam Barnhill Homeschool Solutions

Download the Learn to Write Numbers Tracer Version

Learn to Write Numbers 11-20 Free Printables Pam Barnhill Homeschool Solutions

More number fun

Bingo is a fabulous way to practice number recognition for the preschool set. This game has everything you need for reviewing the numbers 1-20.

Another great way to introduce and practice early math concepts is with the MathStart Level 1 readers. We have most of these and love them. I use them in conjunction with the Hands-On Math and Literature with Mathstart, PreK-K, Level 1 which I highly recommend.

Sign up below to get our original set of preschool number printables in two sizes delivered straight to your email inbox. We laminate these and use them for practice again and again. For more number printables, visit our learn to write numbers landing page.